Her childhood and teenage years before embarking into the events of ARR 2.0.

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She was born and raised in Aleport, and spent most of her life around the bustling harbors of La Noscea. Her father worked for a trading company, loading and unloading the vessels that come to port, while her mother worked at the local tavern there. As a young child, she loved visiting her father at work and dreamed of one day boarding one of the many hulking vessels that come and go.

When she was 10, her father passed away. She was told that he died in a work accident. It took a long time for her mother and herself to get over his death. Since then, her mother worked tirelessly to raise her, often returning home late into the night. She cherished every moment spent with her mother and she returned every smile with a toothy grin to lift her mother’s spent and tired spirit.

After she turned 12, she started helping her mother at the tavern. Dalamud's fall from the heavens, made life harder for the people of Eorzea including her family. She helped bring ale to customers and was well liked by the patrons. She soon became known around the tavern for her bright smile and cheerful personality, something much appreciated during those trying times.

At 14, a tragedy occurred that would forever change her life. After work one night, she noticed an unfamiliar looking ship docked away from Aleport, hidden beneath the shadows of the cliffs. Curious, she went to investigate but didn’t know that it was a pirate ship. She was caught by the pirates who had just returned while she was poking around in their cargo hold. Just as the pirates were laughing at their unexpected catch, her mother saved her.

It turns out that her mother had been tailing this particular group of pirates and was shocked to see S’iew captured by them. While they were making their escape, her mother tried her best to fight off the pirates but was eventually outnumbered. Her mother was badly beaten, and as she went back to try to save her, S’iew was beaten up as well. The pirates, tired of beating a woman and her child, dumped them and left.

She woke up a few days later in a house, bandaged and badly bruised. The woman who had treated her sadly told her that her mother didn’t make it through her injuries and had died. Hearing this news, she did not cry or let out any visible emotion. But as she sat in silence, a seething hatred for pirates grew within her. After recovering for a few days, she left the house without a word, apart from a short letter of thanks to the woman.

For the few months after that, she followed the trail of the pirates that killed her mother. She travelled from town to town, seeking clues from locals and survived by hunting small rodents and animals. Eventually, she crossed fate with an old ship captain who was also searching for the same pirates. He offered her to join his crew, promising that she would get her revenge.

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For a total of 2 years, she sailed with the captain's mercenary crew. She learned how to fight against larger opponents and picked up the blades as her weapon. She fought with a silent rage, quickly beating her foes into submission. Within the first year as a mercenary, she had become one of the strongest amongst the crew and helped dismantle many notorious pirate crews, but she never found the ones who took her mother's life. Frustration and anger caused her to be hot headed, and she confronted the captain about his promise. She challenged the captain to a duel and lost a fight for the first time in a long time. Eventually, she was persuaded by the captain and her comrades to let go of her grudge.


In her remaining time with the mercenary crew, she started to smile more and seemed to return to her cheerful, mischievous self. With most of the mutinous pirate crews handled and the Lominsan Navy controlling the waters, times were much more peaceful. She enjoyed her time with her crewmates in bliss, bonding over shared tales and becoming as close as family.

One night as she looked up at the stars, she heard a strange voice calling to her. She couldn't explain it, but she knew then that she still had a long journey ahead of her. After a contemplating for a long time, she decided to leave her second home in search of her destiny. Thankfully, the captain and the crew respected her decision and she will always be welcomed back.

She bid farewell to her cherished comrades of 2 years as they dropped her off at Aleport, and walked the old familiar path back home. The sight of her dilapidated house, taken over by nature, brought a bitter sweet feeling. She smiled as she dusted off the picture of her family, painted by her mother, that stood on top of the living room cabinet. She placed it in her bag and walked up the stairs to her parents bedroom. Hidden in their dresser, she found what she was looking for - the two rings that bonded her parents for eternity, pristine in their little box. She tucked the box safely in her bag and gave her childhood home one last look, before heading off in the direction of Gridania.

And so, at age 17, her adventure begins. (Start of ARR)